Prodigy Mathematics is Here!

Nobody learns logic anymore. That is what everybody says. And they are right. Formal logic has been out of the mainstream curriculum for decades. I believe this is to the detriment of students everywhere. That is why we began our new intermediate mathematics curriculum with formal logic. The Prodigy Mathematics series is for students who are ready for their first steps into a more abstract and sophisticated approach to mathematics (ages 8-14). It is a bridge between the arithmetic studied in primary school and secondary school mathematics like algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. The program is designed to be comprehensive,...
Martian Mathematics Affiliate Program Launched

Spring Newsletter

I am happy to report that the material for the fourth quarter of Level 1 Martian Mathematics is complete and ready for download. You can view the complete fourth quarter material here. The fourth quarter completes the single-digit skip counting with three and seven. There are also two weeks of basic geometry and one week of basic combinatorics. Combinatorics is concerned with counting objects under certain constraints, like no repetition or order doesn't matter. It is the basis for probability, which is why it is included here. Mostly, your students will just find it fun as they try and determine...
Fall Newsletter
Inaugural Newsletter! Welcome to our first monthly newsletter. I am excited to tell you that lessons 8-15 of level 1 are now available (Teacher’s Guide, Student Workbook, Digital Exercises and Quizzes, and Slides). All of the supplemental material is available as well, including a new workbook series called “Skipping Your Way Through Multiplication.” The new products are linked below. I expect to have the third quarter (lessons 16-22) ready by the end of December. Changes in the US mail system surrounding the upcoming elections and COVID-19 have increased delays in shipping of all print materials and accessories. I apologize for the...